Monday, January 23, 2017


Hey everyone! Well this week was alot different then most of the weeks in my mission, because i was actually able to work! Tuesday we just had our district meetings like normal and then the rest of the week was just normal and we were able to work! everyday we tried talking to people and we tried finding new investigators, we didn't find as many as last week but thats ok. we also spent almost all day Saturday with Elder Smith and his companion Elder Cruz. We went there and did divisions with them so that we could help them meet the goal of twenty new investigators. That day we were able to find 9! and they ended up getting the 20 new investigators before the end of the day yesterday, so they were really happy about that though! it was pretty funny though because after we ended divisions me and my companion were exhausted from knocking on doors and walking all day long, it was worth it though. In our area we were able to have lots of good lessons though and we really focused this last week on preparing an investigator that is going to be baptized on Friday! Her name is Laura, she has two sons, Antonio who is 8 years old and Fernando who is 6. Me and Elder Bocanegra found her while we were visiting a family of less active members, and since then she has listened to us and she loves the messages and loves the church and the way she feels. She is so excited to be baptized and it is so great to see her enthusiasm! we spent alot of time this last week visiting her and preparing her, and we are going to do the same this week so that all will go well with her baptism! were really happy about her progress and were so excited to see another person enter the waters of baptism! The only interesting things that happened this week was that a companionship of sister missionaries had special transfers because they couldn't get along, and that sure was a fun problem i had on my hands (sarcasm included). All day yesterday from about 8 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon we were in the church in a seminar for bishops and ward mission leaders. There they talked alot about what are the responsibilities of a ward mission leader and what they can do to help us and all that fun stuff. We were also able to train them for an hour on how we can have more divisions with the members and why and the benefits from it. So that was a really long training haha, just goes to show that i cannot have an office job. Besides that this week was great and we worked hard and im really tired but i love the mission! i hope each and every one of you can have spiritual experiences in your lives like the ones im having because there is no better feeling than to feel the love of our heavenly father. I hope you all have a great week! Thank you for all your love and prayers! Love Elder Griffin

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